Another Break-Light Experiment

I knew the result was not going to be as good as when I used for quite many lights in different colours. I used 9 the same kind of safe lights which are for people doing exercises, such as cycling or running at night. I asked my little Bboy friend, James to do the performance of dancing with light for me.

James can dance pretty well although he is only 10 years old. He can also do two powermoves, backspins and wind mills.

The first few images were very messy because I had to adjust the timing of exposure after a few shot.

This is the wind mills. I thought there were too many light on the body. They caused too many line of lights crossover but not looking good so I reduced the number of lights after this shot.

This is the back spin which James can do so fast and so many times of spin with this move. From the image, the movement of lights are much smaller than the wind mills one.

We were experimenting to use the flashing mode of those safe lights. And there can be seen the lights are intermittent in the image.

This was my turn and I used much more space than James.

This was probably the best shot of the day. Some lights were on continuously but some were on intermittently. I really like the shape of the image because it looks like a top spinning. The balance of the composition is also excellent.

I am now looking for some great small LED lights, I hope I will find some soon.

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